Doordec OÜ
Doordec OÜ is a steel door manufacturer based in Estonia, established in 2010 with Estonian capital. We offer premium service to our clients in business, production, and residential development, committed to providing quick and flexible service through project-based order management.
Our vision is to protect people’s lives and property, realized through the production, installation, and maintenance of our product portfolio, which includes CE-marked flush steel metal and metal profile doors, windows, wall sections, and glass facade elements. Inspecta Estonia OÜ has issued us with production control FPC and products conforming to CPR certificates. Rakennustieto OY has published a carbon emission certificate EPD for us.
65% of our production is exported, primarily to Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Iceland.
Since August 2017, our production has been located in Tartu County, Rehepapi tee 27, Soinaste village. The company employs over 70 workers, most of whom have long-term experience in our field. We have a motivated team, a good working environment, and the means to ensure the production of high-quality products. Doordec OÜ is a member of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and has received various recognitions over the years, including Best Starter 2010, Äripäev Top Company 2024, Successful Estonian Company with an AAA rating, Trustworthy Estonian Company, Gazelle, and Top Machine and Metal Industry awards.
On 1 October 2016, Doordec OÜ started the project ‘Doordec OÜ Development Programme 2020’. The goal of the project is the construction of a new production base, the development of new products with the necessary technology and production tools, and the development of sales and management capabilities. As a result of the project, new products are introduced to the market and sales revenue and added value per employee are increased. The European Regional Development Fund supported the company’s development programme under the support measure in the first phase with 387,450.00 euros (project No. EU50823). The second phase of the project began on 24 September 2018 and the European Regional Development Fund supports the company’s development programme under the support measure in the first phase with 90,810.00 euros (project No. EU52706).
3 February 2020 The company launched project EU53803 for assessment of the level of digitalisation and automation, for mapping of the areas of development related thereto, and for development of specific solutions. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications supports the project with 9,996.00 euros.